Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Picture Frames on the Cheap!!

Everyone wants their home to look nice, but after buying expensive furniture, who has money left for accessories? Ok, well some people do, but I sure as heck don't! But I'm ok with that because I think being on a budget causes us to tap into the left side of our brain (or is it the right side??) and use a lil creativity.
Here is a little project I stirred up in my head when trying to think of a way to frame some pictures without spending a fortune. I headed over to the local thrift store and picked up a couple of cheap (about a buck each) ugly picture frames.
I also scored a couple of beach mats for $1 each, but didn't even use 1 whole mat. I used primer that I already had and paid 20 cents (with a coupon) for a bottle of craft paint and also incorporated some old fridge magnets that my Grandpa was going to toss out (I love free stuff!). Sooo, with a little bit of time and elbow grease, I turned those sad little picture frames into what I think is beautiful!

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