Tuesday, December 15, 2009

That's A Wrap!

With Christmas being less than 2 weeks away, most people have all (or most) of their shopping done, leaving them with a pile of presents begging to be wrapped. If you are like some men I know, you just pop the present in a garbage bag and proudly stick a bow on top, but half the fun of opening presents is seeing the pretty packaging and knowing there must be something good in there. And if you are anything like me, you want your presents to look fun and enticing, but don't want to blow your budget doing so. One of my favorites ways to wrap presents is with brown postal wrapping paper because it is so versatile, so here are 3 different ideas I have starting with the same basic paper:
Basic and Natural
Citrus Punch
Traditional Red, Green & Gold

The best part about the wrapping is it can be done for super cheap! The brown paper was purchased at the Dollar Tree store. It's 30in.x15ft. and pretty sturdy. The snowflakes were also bought there - 6 for $1. The ribbon is from Michael's, which has great sales on ribbon this time of year. And to add to the festiveness, I just placed some branches from our tree trimmings in a picnic basket.
For those odd shaped presents that are impossible to wrap with wrapping paper, just use fabric remnants. Here is a stick horse I wrapped with plaid fabric and finished with an inexpensive iron star and name label:

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