Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Vanity Bench

A few months back my sister called me to tell me about a garden bench sitting in her neighbors trash pile (you know those days when everyone puts all their 'junk' at the curb? I so look forward to those days!). So I decided to go check it out at night because I always fear the people will see me taking stuff from their junk pile even though it's out there for a reason. I guess it would probably look even weirder though to see someone lurking around your trash pile at night wearing a ski mask and all black. Ok, I didn't really go *that* far, I swear! And in my defense, there actually was a man who came out to see what we were doing as we sifted through his pile of weathered wood. Anyway, I digress. Here is a picture of the lovely little bench.

Ok, so it's not really *that* lovely, but I knew I could make something great out of it. After some brainstorming, I decided I could turn it into a cute little vanity bench. I really didn't care for the curvature of the top so I knew I would be making a new top for it...er, my dad would be making a new top for it. So basically the legs were the only thing salvaged.

I had my dad cut a piece of wood, but since pine comes in 12 inch widths, he had to glue and clamp 2 pieces together. Once that dried overnight, he routed the edges to spruce it up a bit. He screwed a strip of pine to the top of the legs and also screwed a dowel at the center of the X for extra support.

Now it's time to prime and paint!

I also used some stain to age the bench, which is the same treatment on the rest of my bedroom furniture. I just love how it turned out! It's going to be perfect for my vanity. I can't wait to post pictures of it after I move!

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. Wow, that turned out great! It's so cool to see old, beat-up "junk" and be able to envision a new purpose or look for it. Aren't you glad I invited you to sift through the junk piles? LOL

  2. I love "roadkill," lol. I've picked up some favorites over the years that still make me smile when I think of how much they cost me--nada!

    The whole vanity bench turned out great--A+++

  3. Very pretty. I love the shape of the legs.

  4. This looks lovely - I would love one of these for my guest bedroom - it looks so handy!

  5. What a great find! The curve of the legs are so great! They make a nice focal point of the bench. Great job!

  6. I really like the legs on that little bench! It looks brand new!


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