Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April Showers

I don't know what the weather is like where you live, but here in Sacramento it's been sprinkling on and off. It's the perfect excuse to pull out the Disney movies (ahem, for my son, of course) and snuggle up on the sofa. But first I had to take a few - ok, a LOT - of pictures of the flowers in the backyard. They just looked so beautiful covered in raindrops.

I hope you enjoy!


  1. Hi, Again, Ali! What a beautiful capture of one of nature's true wonders! And what a scruptious color of pink! Makes me feel happy inside...Very talented photograpy post, Karen

  2. I know, don't you just love the color?? We also have darker pink flowers, but they are under a tree and didn't have the raindrops on them. I just love how reflective the raindrops are.

  3. Beautiful pictures! Thank you for stopping in over at TOTEally Posh and for leaving the sweet comment. I'm looking forward to browsing your blog!


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