Friday, April 16, 2010

Mini Picture Frames

Ok, so this is just phase 1 of a 2-phase project...*hopefully*. I'm not quite sure yet if phase 2 will pan out, but I sure am keeping my fingers crossed! Anyway, I started out with some little (as in like, 3x3 inch) frames from the dollar section of Michael's. I love the detail, but the color?...Not so much. *UPDATE: I checked my receipt and they were really only 50 cents each!

In comes my Behr Lucky Bamboo paint. Yay, now I love the detail *and* the color!

But of course they needed some character so I whipped out my trustee Minwax Early American wood stain to give them some age spots (ew, that sounds so gross!).

Ok, so you can't really see it that well in the picture, but I assure you it's there!

I decided that I wanted to print some numbers out to frame in these little beauties, but there was no way I was going to print them on boring white printer paper. Nope, I'd rather print them on boring brown packaging paper...just a tad bit snazzier than the white. Just a word of advice for anyone who tries this at home - you have to help guide the paper into the printer or else you will end up with something like this:

But I guess it probably didn't help that I cut the paper crooked and jagged =)

Another word of advice - make sure you leave plenty of space surrounding each number. Yeah, the first time I printed the numbers there was not enough space and the second time I printed...well, see pic above.

Next step is pretty straightforward. Just cut out the numbers and put them in the frames. I tore the cardboard backing off so that they would lay flush and I just used regular ol' tape to keep them in place. I just realized the picture above looks like it's crooked, but it's really just an optical illusion. Hmmm.  Anyway, here they are, waiting for phase 2 of the project.

And yes, I realize the numbers are not centered, hehehe. Oh, and you might be wondering why I printed a number 4 and the reason is because I was hoping to find another frame at Michael's, but they were all gone by the time I went back.
Stay tuned for the possible phase 2, which by the way, won't happen for a few months if at all.

I'm linking up to Funky Junk Interiors.


  1. Can't wait to see what you do with them! I have a few of those little cuties myself!

  2. OK... can't wait to see what you doing with these! They look good so far!

    Hope you'll come back and enter my giveaway this weekend!!


  3. love this!! adding a trip to Micheal's to my to do list!!! :)

  4. Love the detailing on these! Great color too! I picked up a few of these in red and have not done anything with them yet. Can't wait to see what you have planned to with them! Stop by the Sunday Showcase party if you get a chance. These look great!

  5. I really like the work in progress :).

  6. These frames are so versatile and so cheap. I hope I can get phase 2 done to show you all what I have in mind!


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