Monday, May 24, 2010

TV Stand Update

Remember the tv stand that my dad is building for me? Well, I wanted to show you guys the progress so far. It's almost completely built now!

For some reason, the bottom looks bowed in the picture above, but it doesn't really look like that.

My dad is going to put the back on after I stain and polyurethane so that it makes the job easier.
And of course the doors need to be finished. I got some trim which will be about 1.75 inches in from the border and I am using the same knobs I used for my window frame revamp. It will look something like this:

The baskets that I recently bought and embellished fit perfectly.

Ok, so you are probably wondering why on earth I did the embellishments if you can't even see them and the reason is that I'm not set on using them here so I wanted them to look pretty in case I use them elsewhere.

The plan was that there would be an even overhang around the whole top edge, but my dad miscalculated (whoops!).

As you can see, there is an overhang on the front and not the sides. The new plan is to make it flush in the front and add some of the trim used on the doors around the top.

I can't wait to show you the final product in the next few weeks!


  1. It looks awesome! And your dad sounds like mine. :) I keep telling my students that math skills are important, no matter what they want to do someday!

  2. Your dad is very talented. I'd love to have the tools and expertise to build furniture. I can't wait to see the end product!

  3. Thanks! So true about the math skills! And I wish I had the tools and expertise as well. For now, I just have to stick with staining!

  4. Your dad is doing an awesome job, can't wait to see it all finished!

  5. What kind of wood is he using? That looks very nice!

  6. What kind of wood is he using? That looks very nice!


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