Thursday, June 10, 2010

Yummy Snack

Well, it's that time of the year when I start scrambling, trying to lose at least a few pounds (is that really too much to ask for??) before Summer really hits. I'm pretty much nowhere close to where I want to be, but I guess you gotta start somewhere.
I'm trying to eat healthier and I wanted to share one of my new fave snacks. It's just graham crackers, Yoplait Whips yogurt, and fresh strawberries.

Now, you have to understand that I have the BIGGEST sweet tooth in the whole wide world and usually fresh fruit tastes bitter to me (yeah, I have issues), but this tastes so yummy that I actually look forward to eating it. You should try it!!

P.S. My posts might be a little sporadic for a while because I just started babysitting my nephew for 12 hours a day and I'm trying to get all the loose ends tied before my move. But once I move (hopefully in about 6 weeks) I'll have LOTS of things to post!


  1. I'm totally with you! I'm on day 18 of working out for 30 mins each day. It's so hard to keep at it! Your snack looks yum! Try Nutella on Rice Cakes. It's chocolatey peanut butter heaven. If anything, watching your nephew should keep you active :)

  2. That looks like a great healthy snack!

  3. I just started working out consistently too, but it's starting to get hot here and I hate walking when it's hot =( I've always wondered if Nutella was good - I guess I'll have to give it a try!


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