Friday, July 30, 2010

Above-The-Door Daily Reminder

Like so many others, I fell in love with the Pottery Barn Typewriter Key wall art and wanted to make my own.  I saw Nikki's version over at and absolutely loved it! Seriously, she did an amazing job! And she is kind enough to email you a copy of the keys if you just ask.  So, I have to admit that they have been sitting in my inbox since May!  I LOVE the typewriter keys, but I decided I wanted to do something different, but didn't have any inspiration. Then other day, I went to Marshall's and saw a cute little sign that said "Have A Great Day". Ok, so I know that is nothing new, but it got me thinking that something like that would be perfect for above the front door because everyone could use a little reminder.

I went home and found a scrap piece of wood, then cut out all my letters and realized it didn't fit! Then I tried "Have A Good Day", even thought that isn't as exciting.  Still didn't fit. Then I had to come up with a 3-letter word that would describe how I would like my day to go...Sad?...No...Mad? Uh-uh...Ooo, Fun? Perfect!

I painted the board Rustoleum Heirloom White, but I wanted there to be a little more interest, so I painted the edges black.

I also painted a little tiny bit of the front edge with black, which I completely eyeballed.

I still wanted more goin' on, so I did about a .25" strip of black just inside the outer black edge.

Next, I stained the piece with Dark Walnut to give it an aged look and so that the keys would 'pop'.  I usually use a piece of an old sheet to stain, but I was feeling lazy and went ahead and used a napkin. To my surprise, I really liked how it turned out because it is so completely uneven. After that dried for a little bit, I just decoupaged the letters on then finished it with a matte spray.

And now we have a little reminder to have a fun day!

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

Join us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party!


  1. That's very cute! I'm a big fan of the dark walnut stain. I always have some on hand.

  2. It looks great! I like the black stripe along the edge.

  3. That is fantastic. The stain came out great and I like the saying- "fun" is always good! p.s. I found you via Funky Junk:)

  4. I love this idea! Would be a good gift idea :)


  5. This turned out so cute. I've been thinking about a key project myself. Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. That looks so good. I love what phrase you chose to use, too. Great paint job.

  7. Love It! And shouldn't we all remember to do that! Very Cute!

  8. I love how this turned out! Thanks for stopping by and visiting the blog.

  9. I like your sign. And we could all use a little reminder to have fun!
    Great job on the stain, it really looks like aged wood.


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