Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Craft Dresser

Do you guys remember a while back when I posted about my mini picture frames?

Well, I don't expect you to remember because it seems like it was ages ago, but I said it was just phase 1 of a 2-phase project...and now I have phase 2 finished!!
And it also involves this guy:

So, I started off with this dresser that I got from my grandpa's.

As you can see, the corner of the top left drawer broke off in transit and one of the drawers split too. It's not the highest quality dresser (we're talkin' particle board drawers. Eek!), but it was free so I can't complain.

I didn't take any pictures of the painting process because it was pretty straight forward.  I just did my signature (that sounds so fancy!) combo of Behr's Lucky Bamboo topped off with Minwax Early American stain and some poly.  Then I slapped the mini picture frames on the drawer fronts and topped it off with my cubby and I ended up with some super duper craft storage!

So maybe that doesn't sound very exciting, but if you saw my 'craft storage' from my last place, you would understand why I'm so excited over this.  We had a little nook with some random shelves that were falling apart and I hid it all with a curtain on a shower curtain rod. And since nothing was actually organized, I had a tendency to just leave things out which made for, ahem, a little bit of a mess.

I just love how the picture frames add a bit of whimsy to an otherwise boring dresser.

As you can see, Elijah got to the '1', but I was able to rescue it before he tore it to shreds.

I didn't have as much luck with the corner of the drawer. I had my dad glue it on, but you can definitely tell it broke off!  And I didn't put as much stain on it as the rest of the piece. Oops!

But overall, I love how it turned out and think the 2 pieces look like they were meant for each other. It's true love I tell ya!

Ok, so the crummy part about this project is that my 12x12 scrapbook papers don't fit in the drawers! Ha ha. But it's ok because I have plenty of other items to fill the drawers with =)

Oh, and in case you were wondering, I bought the basket-type thing (hanging on the wall) at Z Gallerie a few years ago on clearance for $10 bucks!

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  1. This turned out super cute!
    I wish I had room to paint furniture but alas I have like a patch of grass & some concrete b/c I rent.
    One day.

    Totally love the color!

  2. I'm about to be in the same boat, but I figured I would just put plastic dropcloths EVERYWHERE when I need to paint.

  3. Your mini frames are perfect for the dresser! They really add a special touch. Enjoy organizing your craft storage--isn't it fun?!

  4. I love the color! The little frames just add a great little touch.

  5. What a "COOL" color...love those framed numbers too! Hope you have a FUN weekend!


  6. I love this! Makes me want to go out and paint something.

  7. This is just cute! Love the color...and those numbered/framed drawers!

  8. Turned out great, and it's cool it was your Grandpa's

  9. I LOVE that color! Is there a secret to the recipe?? Really really nice!


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