Thursday, July 22, 2010

FREE Tote!

If you head on over to vista print, you can get a free tote (plus s&h)! They have 36 designs to choose from, but you can pay a little more for other options and to get something written on the tote. I chose to get this design for my little guy.

All of his 'tools' are currently residing in the box that his Elmo Live doll came in, which he refers to as 'Elmo's house', so I thought it would be nice for him to have a bag to carry all of his tools around in.

I paid $2 to not have their website address at the bottom, but you can skip that extra cost if you don't mind it. The cheapest shipping cost was around $4.50, but won't arrive for 21 days - It's ok though 'cause I'm not in a hurry.

Anyway, just throwing the idea out there if anyone is interested. And no, I am not getting paid by them to post this =)


  1. Thanks for your sweet comments on the blog!
    We're so excited to have our pantry finally finished :)
    Even if it was a bit crazy to do such a small space, that detailed. HA!

  2. Hey Ali, hopped over to answer your question...I never EVER get artist canvas, that stuff is very expensive...I get canvas at the hardware store, painter's dropcloth, it comes in various sizes, super cheap, but you do have to prime it and I use ordinary latex primer. Hope that helps!

  3. Ali, you have a wonderful blog!! I love all your creations! And thanks for the Vista freebie link. I love that place!


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