Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Just Around the Corner

I have a confession to make. A real shocker. You ready?...I really dislike summer.  Yep, I said it. I'm pretty sure I'm the only Californian who doesn't like summer. But there is actually one thing I like about it - when summer is coming to an end, I know my FAVE season is right around the corner. Ahhhh, Fall.  What is there not to like about it? Ok, that's just a rhetorical question, folks.  I don't need people raining on my Fall parade =)

Anyway, I just wanted to share a few Fall pictures from my inspiration files.

Seriously, how cute is that apple bouquet?? So simple yet elegant at the same time. And how wonderful would it be to entertain friends under a tree with orange and red leaves while taking in the crisp Fall air?

This one is for all of you white lovers. This room is so bright and cheery, yet the orange pumpkins and candlelight warm up the space. Talk about bringing the outdoors in!  Those rakes are just adorable. And of course I'm lovin' the jack-o-lantern. He totally reminds me of Jack Skellington..."And I, Jack, the Pumpkin King".

I love this next picture for it's simplicity. A lot of the decor can be found outside and in the garden. It looks so simple to put together, yet it brings so much color and texture to the table.

Is anybody else impatiently waiting for Fall like me? Or are you all Summer lovers? I'm already working on putting together my Fall decor and I haven't even moved yet!

P.S. I honestly can't remember where the pictures came from, but I wanna say Country Living?


  1. Fall is also my favorite season. The sweaters, cool crisp air, apples, pumpkins, apple cider, changing leaves, it's absolutely wonderful.

    I love the colors, too. Unfortunately, we're living in the desert and we see NONE of that arrive. (some days I can't wait to move!). I am thinking a trip north or west would suit us good for a true fall celebration. Oh, and our fall temps are still triple digits, how can anyone truly celebrate fall like that?

  2. I think Fall will be the first time I'll really get to decorate for the season in our house. Up until now, we've had to concentrate on getting new flooring in, which means no furniture purchases until after it's all installed. Which also means, no tables to decorate, no corners to spruce up! I am really loving the white Jack Skellington pumpkin the most. Halloween is my favorite time of year!

  3. Jen - That stinks about not experiencing the fall weather and changing leaves. You should definitely take a trip somewhere!
    Sarah - That has got to be so exciting to be able to decorate. That's how I feel because I will be moving into my own place in a few weeks.

  4. Hi Ali=

    I am so with you on being excited for fall. It is my favorite time of year. I even love Thanksgiving more than Christmastime. I enjoy taking walks in the crisp clean air, college football games, and seeing all the colors. My daughter goes to school in Vermont and I am looking forward to going to visit her in Oct. Can't wait.
    My best - Diane


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