Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Menu Board

First, I have to start out by saying that I totally stole this from Stephanie Lynn at Under The Table and Dreaming, and she was kind enough to make the 'days of the week' printable available for everyone to use!

I started with this hot mess from the thrift store:

Yes, those would be flowers, from a calendar or magazine, decoupaged onto some fabric. But before I removed it, I tore the trim off first. Ahhh, how I love dismantling ugliness!

I took absolutely no pictures of the process because it was so straight-forward. I just painted the frame a flat black, glued a piece of scrap burlap to the backing, printed and cut out the days of the week, typed 'MENU' in Word and added a border, then hot glued them onto the burlap.

Super easy!

And super cute!


  1. This looks great! Mine would be blank all the time because we never know what we are eating until the last minute it seems!

  2. Hi Ali - This looks fantastic! What an amazing transformation. I really like the Menu header too! Thanks so much for the link back I greatly apprecite it. Hope you have a fantastic week ahead. Great job! ~Stephanie Lynn

  3. Very cute!

    I need one of those at my house, except with the empty spaces already filled in by somebody else.

    Why can't I ever plan that far ahead!?!?! Haha.



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