Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Persimmon Painting

I don't have any lame attempt at a tutorial for this painting because I did it two years ago before I started the ol' blog, but it just reminds me of Fall...and eating persimmon cookies!

And I wanted an excuse to link up to the Fall Festival at This Blessed Nest.



  1. Hi Ali...you have amazing talent! I don't always comment but I always check out your latest projects for great ideas! Congrats on your one year of blogging too!!! Deb

  2. How beautiful! I've never had a persimmon cookie before but it sounds delightful. Happy Fall!

  3. Love all your art Ali... this looks great! Very fallish! :)

  4. gorgeous! you are so talented.

    did i see a lightening mqueen you did recently???

    it is the perfect painting for fall.

    thanks so much for finding a reason to link up! i think what you found to post is beautiful!



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