Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm Alive and I've Got New Curtains

I would love to tell you guys that the drive from California to New Jersey was the best road trip imaginable, but it wasn't. It was long. And tiring. And my butt hurt from sitting so long. But at least I can cross it off of my bucket list now =)

I would also love to tell you guys that my place looks fab and everything is put away, but the truth is that there are still boxes everywhere. I'm just waiting for the unpacking elves to pay me a visit in the middle of the night so I will wake up to a box-free apartment. Yeah, I've been waiting about a week now and they still haven't shown up! So, while I wait for the boxes to be cleared out of here, I figured I would at least show you the curtains in my living room.

About a year ago, I did a post about my mom sewing some burlap curtains for me. 

Don't worry, I don't expect you to remember because I had about 2 followers back then which I think were my sister and my mom. Did you realize I said a year ago? Yep, that's where I get my procrastination from! Love ya mom =)

I also did another post a while back about a teaser where I showed you this pic:

Throw in a little espresso brown spray paint and I've got a new window treatment!

 I knew I wasn't going to be able to find any curtain rings big enough to fit around the bamboo, so I got a bunch of 4" embroidery hoops, spray painted them to match the bamboo, and used thin wire to attach some curtain clips from Ikea to the hoops. Originally, I wanted to stain the bamboo and embroidery hoops, but I couldn't get them to match, so I just painted them.

As I've mentioned before, my math skills are horrible and I ended up hanging the curtains a few inches too low (you can see the door frame at the top of the curtains), but I love the way the curtains pool at the bottom, so I was able to forgive myself for stinking at math.

In case you were wondering what was going on above the window treatment, I got these clocks years ago at Ikea (I think $9.99 each and I wanna say they still sell 'em) and I had typed up cute labels with different countries and showed the different times. 2 of them got lost in storage and all I have to show is now Tokyo. Guess I'll be making some new ones!

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. I love the texture of your curtains and the way that they filter the light coming in.

    I just finished trying 3 different window panels in my living room and can't decided which ones I like best...... :0


  2. Love these curtains! They look great.

  3. glad you made it safe to N.J.
    I moved from Jersey to Georgia back in 1998 with all my stuff in a rented uhaul truck and my Pontiac! The 13hr drive wasn't too bad considering my baby was a year old at the time! You'll soon be settled and things will be back to normal. take your time and focus on one room at a time! Your curtains look great! I love the bamboo rod. I can't wait to see how you transform your new place! Take care...Brandi

  4. glad you made it to Cali safely.
    Love the curtains and your clever to use the embroidery hoops to hang them on the bamboo.

  5. I love the curtains..and the rod. How did you attach the bamboo rod to the wall? They look fab.

  6. I love how creatively you put everything together for this project. The combo of bamboo, burlap and especially the embroidery hoops is so clever. LOVE the clock idea, will have to do that and soon!

  7. I really really really love how these turned out. The giant curtain rod/bamboo is the best! I'm your newest follower!

  8. Very creative, the burlap and bamboo combo looks great!

  9. Your stuff rocks. :) The embroidery hoops look like leather belts from that angle. Totally cool! Love the look.


  10. They turned out great. Don't worry, you can always move the rod up since you have extra length in the puddled fabric.

  11. love it! great idea to us the hoops!


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