Wednesday, October 6, 2010

PB Knockoff Airplane Panels

Have you guys seen these airplane panels in the PB catalog?

When I saw them, I fell in love and knew I needed to recreate the look for less since they were $299.

PB's version is 2x8, but I went ahead with a 1x4 pine board and cut it into (4) 12'' boards, then painted them off white.

Next, I took a scrap piece of newsprint paper and measured out (2) 12'' squares, then using PB's version as a guide, I sketched half of the airplane.

You don't have to draw the details, but I find it helpful to make sure the scale is right.

Next, I outlined it with a black marker and cut it out.

I traced it onto 2 panels, then flipped it over and traced it onto the other 2, then I drew in all the details. 

(Sorry for the picture quality, but you can't see the pencil marks if the pic is lightened)

These are the colors I used.

I used PB's version as my guide when painting. I think the key is to stipple the paint so you get an aged look.

Here it is with everything painted.

(Please excuse my piggly wigglies in the picture)

Next, I took a sander to all the edges and on some random spots on the boards...

And stained it with Minwax Dark Walnut.

The left board is with stain. Right is without.

And here she is all finished...

And PB's version for comparison...

I love love love how it turned out, but I'm thinking I might do another coat of stain so it looks more aged like PB's.

UPDATE: So right after I posted this, I went ahead and did another coat of stain. Usually, I am pretty conservative with distressing because I'm afraid I'll ruin it, but I'm glad I took my chances with this one. I hope you can see the difference in the pictures!

I'm linking up to:

DIY Club

DIY Club

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


Katherine said...

That is incredible! Well done you!

stephaniegiese said...

Stunning! I saw that in the catalog too, but I was too intimidated to try to knock it off. Yours looks amazing!

Sarah @ Cozy.Cottage.Cute. said...

I CANNOT believe you did that yourself! A-m-a-z-i-n-g.

thebluemuse, phd said...

I am SO jealous!! I was lusting after that in the catalogue! You are so talented my friend!!

ChRiS said...

can you say Talent!

jerriann said...

Me too, I saw it in the catalog and found the perfect spot in the house to hang it but I never thought aboutteying to recreate it myself. Hmmm.

Tammy @ she wears flowers said...

You did such an incredible job on this--WOW!

Deborah@Green Willow Pond said...

That. Is. Incredible! I too saw this in PB and thought it would be fun to find a picture, blow it up, cut it out and paste it on. But I never thought to draw it out and paint it on myself. You've got some serious talent there girl!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! That is awesome! You are so talented! I'm always impressed when you paint a picture. So inspiring.

TracyMB @ Crows Feet Chic said...

Wow, you are one talented gal. Fabulous job!! :)

Vicki said...

WOW...that is amazing how you were able to recreate this. You are very talented. Excellent job. I like the idea of another coat of stain. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

kelly said...

wow! you did an amazing job. i could never draw the plane that well. it turned out really cool. what a cool gift for a pilot, little boy or for a man cave!

Craftberry Bush said...

Love your art work!!!...I'm your newest fan..:o) . talk to you soon ! Lucy

{NiceGirlNotes} said...

Whaaaaat!! Ali, you're freaking amazing! Jealous in every single way. Every. Single. Way.

Anonymous said...

You did a fantastic Job! Awesome Girlfriend!!!!


Tricia said...

WOW! That looks great Ali. You are such a good artist. Have you ever tried using tinted wax to age things? I do that all the time. It gives things a really nice finish :)

Kendra@Creative Ambitions said...

Girl... this is awesome! What a fantastic job... love it Ali!!

Craftberry Bush said...

Hey...I just saw the CSI results and saw that you won...yay...congrats...I knew it all along....You are so very talented. Happy weekend !

Tony said...

OMG, I cannot believe you did this, and so perfectly! I was just telling the hubs I wanted this for my boys room and I was sure I could recreate it somehow. I assumed some would pop up around blog land and this was just the inspiration I needed! I'm still in disbelief in how well you did this.


Unknown said...

That is amazing. I saw that in PB and fell in love with it too but never in a million years would I try to recreate it. You are an amazing artist. Great job!

Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

Ali! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this! You did an AMAZING job! Honestly, it's hard to tell which is which! (Can you tell I like it?) Seriously, Great Job!

michelle said...

That is so amazing!! I was just looking at that in PB wondering how you could reproduce that, and then I see yours at Funky Junk!! Did I already say amazing!!

Finding Home said...

You are truly talented!

Terri-Lynn said...

I saw that one too and thought that it would be perfect for my youngest son... but saw the price tag, sighed, and moved on. Kudos to you for making it happen... and SO FABULOUSLY!

Emily @ Finding My Aloha said...

HOLY SMOKES! You go girl!! That is AMAZING! I have been pining over that those same panels (my husband's a pilot). He really wanted them too and said we coudl try to make them...I doubted him and now I am eating my words! GRRRReat job! New follower from FJI

Charlene said... are obviously really talented. I love the extra distressing you added....totally jealous!

Unknown said...

Stopping by from FJI. It is beautiful! You were very brave, and obviously talented, to attempt that. The distressing and stain really add to your piece. Thanks for sharing.

SitandSingVintage said...

OM!! Incredible.. My freind has a blog about fashion and homedecor on a budget. I told her about the airplane in PB and asked her to look for an alternative. She saw your blog. I know you you did this for yourself... BUT would you consider doing this to sale that is to meeeee , meee, meeee :) I have to ask!!!

Unknown said...

This is gorgeous. You should link it up to the DIY Club this month. You used DecoArt paints so you're able to enter it. $1500 prize package. {LOVE} this! Love your blog, too.


kopykatie said...

Fabulous knock off.

Its So Very Cheri said...

Jami from Freckled Laundry told me to come check out this project and I am soooo glad I did.

We have a monthly contest at and the winner gets a fabulous package of gifts. This month it is $1500 worth of suoolies.

We would love to have you enter this. The competition ends this week so hurry over.

We also have a weekly showcase party that has multiple categories and one of those includes knock offs. You should enter your projects into that one as well.


Unknown said...

Wow! This is amaazing. You are so talented! I saw these at Pottery Barn and thought how cool, but expensive! With your talent you could charge that much to sell yours! It looks identical.

hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

awesome!!!! I could NOT do that! I love them... you should do more, maybe some diffrent vintage type pics and sell them!;)

Brandi said...

awesome job! all that for $6.30!!!!

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

Your version is so much nicer than PB's! Awesome!!!!

Christin@Pregnant with power tools said...

Wow - that is gorgeous - you are a serious arteest!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Absolutely beautiful! You did a great job!

Unknown said...

You've got talent, girl! I love how this came out. Nicely done. It's very cool.

Jess@craftiness is not optional said...

that is amazing and a fantastic piece of art!

Cheryl said...

your version rocks! you did a great job! don't be surprised if you start getting orders. ;

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Fantastic!! I love your recreation.

Unknown said...

Totally trumped an anthro art knock-off I did on some wood, well done! I love looking at those sites for inspiration, and think doing art on wood as opposed to canvas is so much more interesting.

Funky Junk Interiors said...


Pottery Barn better run FAST to catch up with the likes of you! My gosh Ali... this is fantastic!



Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

It looks fantastic! Even nicer than the PB one, in my opinion.

Natalie "The Pampered Mom" said...

I am amazed and jealous! Great job!


Annie said...

Ummm... I don't know if anyone else here has asked, but are you interested in making another one of these for sale?? My 11-yo is becoming a pretty big fan of aircraft lately and THIS would be a fantastic Christmas present. Let me know what you think!! :0) WAY TO GO!

Unknown said...

Amazing! You are an artist! Love it!

Mary Perry said...

Holy cow, yours is to die for. Better than the original. I am so very impressed.

Katrine said...

Amazing! I love it!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Ali - This is simply amazing! Fantastic job...I want one =) Thanks so much for linking to The Sunday Showcase. I'll be featuring this today. Stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Hope you have a wonderful week. ~ Stephanie Lynn

Ali @ Honey and Maple Syrup said...

SitandSingVintage, do you have an email address where I can contact you? You can email me with your contact info.

willowbird35 said...

I agree with Katherine's 1st post..absolutely stunning! I can imagine this same thing done with antique (vintage) cameras on wood. My creative juices are flowing! - Karen

Ann Marie @ Twice Lovely said...

Spot-on reproduction!! Fantastic job!!

The House of Healy said...

This has made me so inspired!!! I can't wait to try this. Thank you so much for the tutorial. Awesome!

Unknown said...

This is absolutely stunning. I am blown away by your talent. Job well done.

Julie said...

I have this circled in the PB catalog. I LOVE it for my boys room!! You are so talented!!!

Shelbie said...

Found you through Under the table and dreaming. Why have I never discovered your blog before?! This airplane D.I.Y is freaking awesome. I'm stunned. I shall follow you because your awesome.

Anonymous said...

OH Mah Goodness! I can't even draw a a sesame seed Ü I seriously think you need to sell me your tissue paper sketch of that plane Ü Our computer room is done in aeronautical decor and this would be the focal point, for sure! Wow, that is fantastic!!

BeingBrook said...

Love! Amazing job!

Kelley said...

OMG! You did a fabulous job! I think I might try this for my dad's upcoming birthday...he is a pilot. Even if I mess it up, it won't be a huge loss. I think I will give it a try.

Tiffini said...

I ADORE this! The savings is sooo worth it..I know that took lots of time and patience. Incredible job!!!

Its So Very Cheri said...

Obviously I think it is awesome.
Thanks for linking up. We look forward to getting to know you and seeing more and more of your projects.


WhisperWood Cottage said...

Brilliant and beautiful! I'm inspired!! Thanks for linking up to the DIY Project Party monthly contest! :)


Crafty Sisters said...

You should be so proud of this! I saw it a little bit ago and kept thinking how I needed to come back and leave a comment on how stinkin' incredible your replica is! Great job!! :)

KimMalk said...

Hi Ali, this is phenomenal! I was just looking at in the other day in the catalog and wondered why no one had knocked it off yet. Great job.

Holly Lefevre said...

Oh my! This is fabulous! What a great tutorial and an amazing project!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Ali - Again - Simply amazing - I love this piece. You have done an incredible job. Thanks so much for linking up! Hope you have a wonderful week! Stephanie Lynn

Roeshel said...

You did an amazing job. It's awesome! LOVE it! ;)


cleverlyinspired said...

Love a good PB knockoff!!! I did their lanterns last week!!

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

You did a fantastic job Ali! Congrats on making the top 10!!

Hannah ~ Carys Home said...

No WAY! I've been drooling over this from PB since I got the catalog, racking my brain for ideas on how to recreate. Yours is stunning! I'm so inspired... I think I'll get off the computer and try my luck! Thanks for posting this!

Melody said...

Impressive! Of course, a person would have to be pretty good at drawing and painting to do what you did, but all the same.

Unknown said...

oh my god i love it! being an aircraft spanner monkey living with another aircrfat spanner monkey this totally up my street, now to just figure out how to draw the plane lol

Amanda said...

Absolutely amazing. Period.

Unknown said...

Stunning- wish I could paint!

Donya said...

You are one extremely talented gal. So impressed with your rendition, absolutely gorgeous. (Saw you featured on KnockOffDecor.)

Aja said...

LOVE IT!! I sooo want to try this!

mandyw709 said...

I am so impressed.. you are so incredibly talented! I saw PB's months ago and absolutely fell in love! My fiance is a pilot (currently flight instructing) and he loves it but we're both taking classes right now and just can't afford PB's. I've been searching for something similar for his birthday and I found your blog through Any chance you would be willing to make another one, for sale? ;) ;)

Ali @ Honey and Maple Syrup said...

Hi Mandy, can you email me with your email address?

Amanda said...

This is a wonderful project and I can't believe I haven't featured that before. I've scheduled it to be featured on Craft Gossip Wednesday morning so my readers can come and see! :)

Thanks for inspiration!

If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!

Stasha Simon said...

Phenomenal artwork! You have the colors and shading just perfect. For those who do not think that they could draw this, use a projector to project the image onto the board and trace it! Many schools and libraries have projectors that you could borrow or use throughout the day...If PB can do it,so can each of us!

extreme personal measures said...

This is amazing and shows off your skills! I did a feature of it this morning and added you to my Google Reader to see what else you come up with!

Extreme Personal Measures

Chelsea said...

Your's is much better! It looks like it's worth more than the PB one. Good work!

Joy Burkhart said...

I think yours is a lot better than PBs, too! Great job - definitely talented, this girl!

Aymiee said...

When I saw this in the pottery barn issue last month, I scoured, etc for something similiar but to no avail. $299 was just too much of a stretch. I contemplated making my own but now seeing what you have done, I am very inspired to go for it. Beautiful work!

Danitad said...

Absolutely beautiful. I have been eyeing this on PB catalog for a year, but it's so pricy. I would love to buy it for my sons new house. He and his girlfriend are both Air Force pilots. Would you consider making one for purchase? I am not a good artist, so I don't feel comfortable trying to recreate this on my own.

Ali @ Honey and Maple Syrup said...

Danitad, send me an email with your email address, k?

Misty Makes said...

Thank you soo much for posting this. You've inspired me and given me the convidence to make one of my little boys room. It's not done yet but heres a pic.

I could not have done this w/o your wonderful pics.

Tkeie said...

Ali, these are great! Would you be interested still in selling one? I messaged you on etsy too

MyDimples said...

Hello dear Ali, I was just wondering if you could share your plane sketch in a printable form, for all of us who can't draw. I've seen other tutorials but in the 24x24 form and I prefer the 12x12's.

Thanks for sharing your great talent with us.

Jodi said...

Are you still interested in selling these??

Unknown said...

I just used your tutorial to recreate those panels!! OMG it turned out BEAUTIFULLY!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge :)

cvkevents said...

Are you interested in making one for a nursery? Please let me know!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful Ali. I've been searching for something similar for a few weeks now so I could give this to my husband for his birthday in October. Any chance you would be willing to make another one, for sale? ;) ;)

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