Friday, November 5, 2010

Dining Room Art

So, you guys remember my Pottery Barn airplane knockoff, right?

Well, I knew I wanted it to go in the dining room, but since it's long and skinny, I decided to add a little bit to it so it would make more of a statement.

Before I left California, I had my dad cut out some moulding to make a frame that would be 6" bigger than the panels. I stained it a polyurethaned it the night before the moving truck came! Evidently I really like stressing myself out.

Once I got here to New Jersey, I used corner brackets to hold the frame together. Originally, I was going to use brown packaging paper for the background, but then I decided I should use something a little more heavy duty, so I opted for burlap.

 I am so glad I went with the burlap because I LOVE the texture it adds!

So, it's totally overcast today and my dining room already barely gets any natural light. It looks like I took theses pictures with flash. Boooo!

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. Ali, your stress was so worth it. Love the original and super love it with upgrades :). Thanks for sharing.

  2. You've taken it to a completely new level. It was great but it looks incredibly professional now.

    If I was round at yours, I'd never in a million years ahve guessed that you didn't make that.

  3. Looks great, love the burlap and the extra size!

  4. I'm with you --- I love the burlap! Great job!

  5. Completely, incredibly, totally awesome! I'm still so in love with this picture! And I like it even more with the burlap!

  6. Love this! Wonderful impact at 6' and the burlap was the perfect choice. Fantastic project!

  7. Love this! Wonderful impact at 6' and the burlap was the perfect choice. Fantastic project!

  8. It was great the first time! Now absolutely amazing!

  9. I would love to recreate this for my son's room. Are there instructions on how to make this?


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