Monday, November 8, 2010

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Aaaaaaaaand, the winner of the $35 CSN gift card is..................drum roll, please..................comment #23 (I'm so lame with computers and didn't know how to get the random generator to show up), which is Kait from Snap Happy Mama. Send an email my way and I can give you your gift!
Thanks so much to everyone who entered!!

In other news, I'm getting very close to being able to show you my room...or I might just shove all the boxes to one side and show you half of my room =)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Ali!! I have to admit that I did a happy dance when I saw that I won!! And I'm not the type that has a cool happy dance! ;)


I truly appreciate all comments and read every single one. I also try and visit as many of you guys as I can, but we all know how crazy life can be. Thanks for understanding!