Friday, August 26, 2011

Living Room Progress

Well, I don't have anything super major to show today, but I did wanna show you guys the progress of my living room. I had originally made frames for my candle sconces out of river reeds, but that lasted all of 3 days before my little 3 year old destroyed them. I kinda sorta had a feeling that was going to happen! I went ahead and made a better, non-destructive (Knock on wood! Yes, that pun was shamelessly intended) solution by cutting a 1x6 in half and framing it out with lattice pieces. I did miter cuts and attached them with 2 black tacks on each end.

The coffee table was a craigslist find. It cost a whopping (<--- totally kidding about the 'whopping' part) $25 buckeroos. The previous owner must've had dogs (or a kid with pica) because some of the corners are gnawed on, but I love the large size of it. 

The 3 center pillows and the rug are from Wal Mart. The 2 end pillows are from Ikea. The pillow covers looked much more green and a little less yellow in the store. I'm hoping to get around to tea staining them...someday.

Eventually I'll get around to taking pictures of the other side of the living room, but I'm still workin' on the bookshelves...which is a little ridiculous considering I've lived here for almost a year now. LOL.

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

Transformation Thursday


  1. Hi Ali, I've just popped over from Funky Junk, and I have to tell you I LOVE your room, love the cushions, even with the yellow hint ... love those side table ... sconces ... and especially love the tropical artwork. Now I'm going to have a good sticky beak around your lovely blog.

    Suzy xxx

  2. Wow, your living room looks really nice - very well put together!

  3. Your post made me laugh. What a wonderful space you have here. I love the sconce pieces. Very nice! I have a huge barn out back that fell and gives me tons of wood, want some?

    I had giggle though over your post about being there a year and not done. We have been here 16 years and my living room walls are yellow INSULATION! OMG! Time to quit letting the husband lead on this remodel!

  4. I found you through Funky Junk and just love your blog, you are stuck with me now, I am your newest follower:)

  5. I think your living room looks great. Very comfy, and the colors are so soothing. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. Love your living room progress! FAB.

  7. your room looks wonderful and you've done a totally fabulous job in a year! I really like your sconces attached to rustic shutters. I need to look into that! really great idea - things just take time. darn, I've been working on this house for almost 2 years now....seems like the list of things to do keeps growing instead of shrinking :) Diane

  8. Your room looks wonderful!

    Hope you will bring one of your projects or posts to my Potpourri Friday Party. Link up begins Thursday afternoon. Your participation will help make it a success!

  9. Ali, I just found you and will now be a follower!

    I am loving your blog... you have So many great ideas and a real talent for decorating.

    I would like to invite you to this Wednedsay's Bunny Hop Party :)

    xoxo Bunny Jean
    @ Bunny Jean's Decor and More!
    (my MAIN blog)

  10. Forgot to mention that I looked at your Etsy shop and LOVE the bug picture series.

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  11. Just found your blog and fell in LOVE!;)

    You`re art is so pretty!
    I´m you latest follower,please visit my blog too,stay a while and maybe follow back;))

    Lovely greetings from Germany...

  12. Hi there! it's been a while since I popped by your blog. Your really doing a great job with the well traveled British Colonial look. Love all the textures and colors you are using and I am so loving those side tables.


I truly appreciate all comments and read every single one. I also try and visit as many of you guys as I can, but we all know how crazy life can be. Thanks for understanding!