Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall Buffet

I don't know about where you live, but it totally feels like Fall here in NJ today. It's rainy with a high of 67 degrees. I have all the windows open and the breeze is a blowin' in. LOVE.

Anyway, I've been a little busy bee decorating for Fall and making Halloween decor (see previous posts), which includes the buffet in my dining room. I'm going for a nice rustic look with pops of green.

This is my new pumpkin from Home Goods. I went there this past weekend to get out of the house, with no intention of buying anything, but this guy had to come home with me.

These are pumpkins I got on clearance last year that I painted white. I stuck them together with toothpicks. It's a little crooked, so I shall dub this the leaning tower of pumpkins =) The 'cloche' is a clock cover that I got while thrifting.

I didn't too much with my candles - just wrapped some fake gooseberry garlands around them.

P.S. That is sawdust on the picture frame - not regular old dust bunnies. Unfortunately, all my wood cutting gets done in the dining room. Not ideal, but it's the only choice I have with apartment living =/ Note to self: clean sawdust before taking pictures.

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

Monday, September 5, 2011

Halloween Picture and The Whole Ensemble

Onto the last of my Halloween decor...for now. I got this picture frame from Home Goods, but the color wasn't gonna work.

So I painted it black with a gloss poly.

Then I backed it with orange and white striped paper.

Then I stamped 'OCTOBER' on some white paper then stuck it in a bookplate and attached it with some brads.

Next, I stamped a Halloween stamp on white paper then backed it with orange paper and inked the edges with black.

Then I cut '31' out of sparkly black paper.

This is what the whole ensemble looks like.

Love the old time feel this has.

There goes that crow again. He keeps popping up everywhere!

You can see how I made the 'Tricks' and 'Treats' here.

And the pumpkin pedestals can be found here.

This whole setup was very cheap to throw together and I love how it turned out!

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

Halloween Pumpkin Pedestals

Here's another super simple and cheap idea for Halloween. It starts with 2 candlesticks and 2 mirrors from the Dollar Tree.

Throw in some black glossy spray paint (or follow my lead with some flat black and then glossy poly).

Then top with the mirrors and some cute beaded pumpkins, or candles.

This little guy jumped into my basket at the Dollar Tree and I just couldn't turn him down.

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

Halloween Tricks & Treats

Alright, before anyone asks, I am aware that Halloween is still almost 2 months away, but I'm just so excited that I can't help myself. I'm planning on having a pumpkin carving party in mid October and I'm trying to get the decor made before I get too far into this school semester. Usually I procrastinate, but I think I've done a 180! Hehehe.

Anyway, I'm planning on a contemporary sophisticated feel for my party since it will mostly be adults. I have no idea what I will do with these 'Tricks' & 'Treats' thingamabobs, but I figured I'll think of something by the time the party rolls around.

So, I started with 2 circles cut out of white paper, and my little set of rubber stamps. I got these lil guys a few years back in the bargain section at 'Tarjay'.

One got stamped with 'Tricks' and one got 'Treats' and the edges got some black ink. Funny story, I actually had to look up the word 'treat' because after staring at it for so long, it started looking weird and I wasn't sure if I spelled it right! Oh come on, you know you've done that before too! =)

Next, I glued the white circles onto some orange circles cut a little bit bigger, and then some orange and white striped paper. I personally like to vary the widths of the layers to add more interest.

The last step was gluing some crepe paper ($1 for 2 rolls at the Dollar Tree!) on the back by ruffling it as I went. At first, I was thinking of using a hot glue gun, but I decided to use Elmer's glue which gave me some time to wiggle it into place before it dried. I bought some really cute ribbon to hang them if I decide that's what I wanna do with them. Super simple and super cheap!

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special