Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall Buffet

I don't know about where you live, but it totally feels like Fall here in NJ today. It's rainy with a high of 67 degrees. I have all the windows open and the breeze is a blowin' in. LOVE.

Anyway, I've been a little busy bee decorating for Fall and making Halloween decor (see previous posts), which includes the buffet in my dining room. I'm going for a nice rustic look with pops of green.

This is my new pumpkin from Home Goods. I went there this past weekend to get out of the house, with no intention of buying anything, but this guy had to come home with me.

These are pumpkins I got on clearance last year that I painted white. I stuck them together with toothpicks. It's a little crooked, so I shall dub this the leaning tower of pumpkins =) The 'cloche' is a clock cover that I got while thrifting.

I didn't too much with my candles - just wrapped some fake gooseberry garlands around them.

P.S. That is sawdust on the picture frame - not regular old dust bunnies. Unfortunately, all my wood cutting gets done in the dining room. Not ideal, but it's the only choice I have with apartment living =/ Note to self: clean sawdust before taking pictures.

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. Very pretty! Definitely feels like fall.

  2. Love this! A little dust ( or sawdust ) doesn't hurt anybody right? haha.

  3. Very cute fall decor, love the white pumpkins in the dome! Hope you can link this to my Homemaking Party :).

  4. What a lovely arrangement! I'd like to invite you to link up at my Friday Favorites party!

  5. Wow, you have done some great Fall decorating. It is Spring over here and now I am wishing it was Fall all over again!

    Best wishes,

  6. I got a new rattan type pumpkin today too! Yay, new pumpkin twins! I love your little pumpkin tower, I'll definitely have to see about copying that one.

  7. Very cute! And I actually like that your tower of pumpkins is slightly crooked, it adds a touch of whimsy and the unexpected. I also love that artwork of the plane in the background!

  8. Sweet! Luv that pumpkin tower, too! :)

    xoxo laurie

  9. I love to open my windows in the summer time. The breeze is so nice to feel.



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