Sunday, November 19, 2017

Simply Grateful Fall Wreath

I had every intention of writing this post a few weeks ago, but life happened and here I am posting this just a few days before everyone is in full-on Christmas mode. I do have to admit that I've listened to my share of Christmas music on the radio already, buuuuut I've been too ashamed to listen when my windows are down, so I'm not quite to the point of listening strictly to Christmas music.

But back to my Fall wreath, I had the grapevine wreath already, so I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up some Fall picks. I knew I wanted to add more to it, so I went to Michael's and found the ribbon and the 'Simply Grateful' sign. It really spoke to me because I truly have so much to be grateful for this year and figured it would be the perfect reminder every time I walked up to the front door.

I think this green gourd is my favorite thing on the wreath. Love the color!

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