Monday, May 10, 2010

Elijah's Lanterns

I was trying to find the perfect lamps for my son's room a while back, but wasn't quite sure what route to take. When picking out his bedding when I was pregnant, nothing really jumped out at me. There were some cute jungle prints that I found, but I wanted to pick something that would grow with him. After looking at several different stores with no luck, I decided to see if my mom would make his bedding. My inspiration? A grandpa's sweater. Yes, that was seriously my inspiration. I wanted fabrics with a subtle pattern and toned-down colors. I ended up finding the perfect fabrics at Beverly's. Two dark olive green fabrics, two mustardy  fabrics, and a rusty red fabric. While we were at Beverly's, I spotted a huge star hanging way up on the wall. I knew I just had to have it! It was an ugly yellow, so I painted it to match the red in his quilt. I also had some iron stars that I bought at Denio's swap meet several years ago and thought those would be perfect for the room. I still didn't have a theme per se, but my mom bought the picture below online of a little boy taking a bath and it kind of reminded me of a little cowboy with that western feeling.

I didn't want to go over the top with the whole 'western' idea, so I have kept the decor pretty simple. Wait, isn't this post supposed to be about lamps??  Well, I guess giving you the down low on his bedroom decor will help you to understand my choice of lighting. I thought it would be cute to have something that suggested a western kind of feel without screaming it (like a cowboy shaped lamp!), so I got the idea to get electric lanterns (found on this website).

Here's a picture of the kind I got:

I think they are so adorable, but I'm not crazy about the brass.

I'm debating on painting those parts with a flat black, but I haven't quite decided yet. Any thoughts?


  1. I love them! The brass wasn't noticeable to me, but if it bothers you in real life, paint it!

  2. I found something like this at the thrift store a few months back. everything was painted black except for the brass are like yours. i decided to spray paint them black because the went better with where i decided to place them. i have a picture on my blog (window planters posting) if you like to check them out before you decide to paint!

    ps . i am so in love with your blog. i have spent many hours looking at your pics. you are so amazing and talented!!!!


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