Saturday, May 8, 2010

Starfish and A Picture Frame

I have been looking FOREVER for some cheap, matching picture frames. But they also had to be sturdy and have some kind of moulding or interest of some kind. Usually I find some that are cute, but are too expensive, or I can find only one, but today at the thrift store I found TWO matching frames with detailing, and I was pretty much sold when I saw they were solid oak.


I took them home and sanded them right away. Next, I primed and painted them an off white to match my vanity bench. I also applied the same Early American wood stain to give it an aged look.
I don't have a finished product for you yet, but here is a preview:

I have some good plans for the frames which involve another frame I have waiting for me in New Jersey. Hopefully I'll get to show you guys soon!

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I truly appreciate all comments and read every single one. I also try and visit as many of you guys as I can, but we all know how crazy life can be. Thanks for understanding!