Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's Almost Here!

Am I talking about Halloween? Nope. Maybe Fall? Not that either. Oh wait, Fall is here, but you can't tell with the 101 degree weather! But I'm not talking about either of those. What I am talking about is my move!

I know you guys are probably sick of hearing about it, and honestly, I'm sick of talking about it. I just want to get it over with already! Less than 2 weeks to go before we pack up the moving truck and embark on our journey across the U.S.

So having said that, I just wanted to let you guys know that things will probably be quiet over here for the next few weeks while I finish packing up and set out for the looooooooong drive. But when I'm back, I promise I will have LOTS to show you guys, so please stick around.


  1. It's so hard to wait...those 'in between times' take their toll!

    We'll all be anxiously awaiting your moving reports, and watching as you decorate your new place :)

    Stay safe...

  2. Good luck with your move! Hope all goes well.


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