Thursday, September 30, 2010

Scarecrow in a Corn Field

So, I know the other day I wrote a post about how you weren't going to hear much from me for a few weeks since I'm supposed to be packing, but these dang ideas keep flying into my head and have nowhere else to go, so I end up obsessing about them until I can't take it anymore and just have to make whatever I'm obsessing about. This time it was a scarecrow in a corn field.
Anyway, I was browsing the Silhouette library when I came across a creepy silhouette of a scarecrow. I bet he's actually a really cute scarecrow in person, but that silhouette of his could give ya the chills!
I also came across some corn stalks and thought , what would be creepier than the silhouette of a scarecrow? How about the creepy silhouette of a scarecrow in a corn field!

Now, I have to apologize in advance to people without this machine because I usually like to show projects that would be easy for anyone to make. Of course you can still make this, but it would just require more time and patience and a couple of broken fingers because it just hurts so dang bad to tediously cut out little intricate doodads. I guess now would be a good time to remind you that Christmas is coming up and it would be a great present to ask Santa to bring...unless of course you are on the naughty list ::tisk tisk::

Ok, totally getting off track here.

So, I put the scarecrow and cornstalks together in the Silhouette program and cut it out on black cardstock.

Next, I got an 8x10 canvas panel from Michael's and painted it orange, with a little bit of yellow on the horizon line to make it look like the sun was going down.

After the paint dried, I sprayed the back of the cardstock with spray adhesive and attached it to the front of the canvas.

This was such an easy project and I love how creepy it looks!



Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. :) And I love this project you did- the colors are awesome and it reallt stands out! Fall projects are so FUN!!!


  2. Cute! I love simple fall projects. Of course, as you said, not so simple without the handy dandy machine. Go pack!

  3. It does look great. I like how the painted canvas adds to the look.

  4. It's fabulous!!! Now I want a Silhouette cutting machine.

  5. OMG!!! this is awesome.

    love the colors. love the entire piece. you are the creative gal!!!

    thanks for linking up to the FALL FESTIVAL!


    sorry so late in commenting!!! it has been one crazy week. i appreciate everything you linked up to the FALL FESTIVAL this past month. it has been so fun having you!

    hope you have a lovely weekend.

  6. Loving this! It makes me think of the book "Scarecrow Dance" by Jane Yolen!

    Carrie @

  7. Ok now you've got me hooked. This is my first time visiting your site. I've never heard of the Silhouette machine. I just bought a Cricut and now I'm thinking of returning it. I went to the website but didn't see anything about a silhouette library. Where do I find this. I love the idea of using your computer for ideas.
    Thanks for any information you can give me.

  8. This looks so cool. I love Halloween decor and this is great.

  9. This looks so cool. I love Halloween decor and this is great.

  10. Hi Martha - Unfortunately, you can't see the library unless you have the machine, but there are TONS of things you can do with it. I think they have over 4,000 shapes. You can also create your own things on the software that comes with it. You can check out this link and get an idea of some of the projects you can make:

    The big thing that sold me with the Silhouette is that it's just $.99 per download so you don't have to buy a whole cartridge for $50. Just pay $.99 for each shape so you don't have to pay for things you might not use. They also offer a free download each week on their blog and they have discount shapes as well.

    I hope that helps!

  11. This is really great. I like how the hands of the scarecrow are sticking out a little in the last picture. This is such a creative way to use the shapes they give you! More and more I want one of those machines!! Thanks!

  12. Thanks Lindsay - I kinda did that on purpose, but kinda by accident because evidentally I didn't fully cover the paper with the spray adhesive =)


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