Friday, November 12, 2010

Dining Room Table

Back when I lived in NJ 3 years ago, I needed a small dining room table, but was on a tiny budget so I decided to make my own table. I wanted something unique, yet easy to put together. After some brainstorming, I decided on using a ginormous planter for the base (I hope I didn't lose you already!), and after searching and searching, I found the one below on the Home Depot website.

I didn't have the means to cut a piece of wood myself, so I bought this 3' radius piece of wood at Home Depot. Since I was going for unique-on-a-small-budget look, I decided to paint the wood to look like marble (I wish you could see the detail - it looks much better in person) and I used some type of resin (found at Michael's) to give it a super glossy look.

 The table worked out well back then, but honestly, it's just not my style anymore and it only comfortably seated 3. I still love the shape of the base, but it was just too Old World for me, so I brought out the spray paint and gave it a few coats.

Note to self: If something has been in storage for 3 years, make sure to wipe it down before spray painting!

 This part below is my fave because it reminds me of a pumpkin!

 After the paint dried, I gave it a coat of Minwax Dark Walnut stain to match the tabletop I showed you guys a few months back.

Aaaaand, this is what it looks like now:

 I love how the details show up so much more now. Yeah, and uh, just forget you see all those spots I missed.

My inspiration for the tabletop was actually a picnic table. I wanted it to look kind of rustic, but the glossy finish of the polyurethane takes it up just a notch.

Another note to self: Clean crumbs off of table before taking pictures.

And yes, that is a candelabra with no candles. And yes, I plan on getting some candles one of these days.

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Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special



  1. Shh! It's not a candelabra with no candles, it's sculpture! That's how mine looks all the time! I love your classy picnic table top. And such a good idea for the base. I bet no one would even know it's not a real table base.

  2. those are both really cool. i just love how the stain changes things so much! you must not attach it if you were able to change it. seems like that long table would wobble. i was noticing your pic below with the urn on the shelf:)

  3. Awesome!! At first, I was kinda wondering about the airplane art (which I love) in the dining room cuz it does sorta look like that plane is "comin' at cha" but it looks fabulous! The table with the new top and dark stain, the base, & the candelabra sans candles look so cool--love it!
    Sindy :)

  4. BEAUTIFUL!! I love this! I'm going to do this in my house. Thank you SO MUCH!!!

  5. I love it Ali!!
    So nice to meet a fellow designer's in blogland :))

    Have a blessed Sunday!!

    Kay Ellen

  6. This is gorgeous and soooo creative -- I love it!!!


  7. Wow! That looks really great! What a creative idea!

  8. I like the finish you did! I've used urns and glass tops for end tables before, but I like what you've done here! Great job!

  9. Beautiful table! You did a great job on it!

  10. Oh Ali...I really liked the first top you did...I would have never believed it started out as a wood round before you made it look like marble. I know what you mean about getting away from the "old world" look and you did a super job creating a new one. Just LOVE this urn as a base for a table and have to think about this for a beach house we're designing now. Love unique stuff and this certainly is that.

  11. Beautiful table the color of the stain! ~Deb~

  12. I love what you did with it, and think the wood plank top is amazing! And the first top of the table looks so much like marble, it truly fools the eye! :)

  13. This is so cool! I love the planter base and the white gives it a completely different look.

  14. I love this makeover! I found you through Under the Table and Dreaming and am your newest follower!


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