Monday, November 29, 2010

Bedroom Urn

Hey guys! How is everyone doing? I can honestly say this is the busiest I have ever been this time of year. Everyday I plan on getting so much stuff done, but before I realize it, the day is over. Happens But I did manage to give the urn in my bedroom a makeover.

Remember this guy?

Well, the color just wasn't working for me anymore. Back in my shabby chic days, this guys was decked out with faux roses...

...but that just won't work for my beachy room. I was going back and forth with what I wanted to do, but in the end I decided to paint it Heirloom White. I didn't do any distressing since the shelf it sits on has a coat of wood stain and I wanted it to stand out a little.

While the paint was drying, I balled up some newsprint paper and used tape to secure it all together. It really doesn't get any more high tech than that, folks!

Then I plunked the paper ball into the urn and glued a bunch of moss to it. One of my guy friends said it looked like I was trying to grow something. Uhhhh, so not the look I was going for!! But I'm hoping my crafty bloggy friends will get it! =)

It wasn't looking super beachy, so I went ahead and painted a little starfish (from Michael's) the same blue as my headboard and the coral in my room. I painted over it with some watered-down brown paint so it wasn't so bright, then glued on some twine and tied it around the urn.

 And here it is on the shelf...

I looks much more fresh and updated now.

And here is a 'before' shot for comparison.

I think my next project will be replacing the shell picture. I'm just not totally feelin' it. I have something in mind, so stay tuned =)


  1. Cute. It totally works with your theme. Well done!

  2. What is your etsy shop listed under?

  3. Great makeover, the new paint job definately suits the new look. xx

  4. I haven't been running my Etsy shop in so long that I don't even remember what it's under. Oops! But I've been thinking of opening up shop again. Depends on how busy I am with school =)


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