Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Tree: Love It Or Hate It

I have come to terms that I may lose some of you guys after this post. Why, you ask? Because I am showing you guys my Christmas tree, which I decorated with an unusual theme.

It all started with these Ballard Design knockoff ornaments that I made (you can check out my guest post tutorial at Under The Table and Dreaming. Yeah, totally forgot to mention that!)


I was trying to think about what else I could use that I already have (because my Christmas decor budget is pretty much $0!), and I thought about some mini chalkboards I got from Cost Plus a while back. And of course I had to adorn them with festive words =)


The tree was still looking a little plain Jane and I was trying to come up with something else to fill the space (here is where I might lose you), but once again, I had to use what I had, so I tried coming up with a theme. I already had alphabet ornaments and I had chalkboards...and then I realized those both have to do with school. School? Yeah, school. So what else does every classroom have? A globe! And believe it or not, I actually already had globe ornaments in my stash.

Add a chalkboard tree topper and I had myself a school tree! Totally random, I know, but I guess having no money causes a little creativity =)

But just so I don't sound completely nuts, I'll say the reason I made a school tree was to get my son excited about going...even though he still has a few years...and he's already excited because he knows his older cousins go to school. And schools have playgrounds. Buuut I digress.

Read in Billy Mays' voice: But wait, there's more!

I am going to do my first ever TWP (Tutorial Within a Post). This is big stuff, guys!
I didn't want to get all tinsel-y with my tree, so I chose to use a burlap garland (found at Michael's), but I wanted it to be very full and ruffly, so this is what I did.

I got 3 rolls of burlap garland.

And some twine.

Put tape around the end of the twine and thread it through the burlap garland every 1"-1.5" inches. Then just bunch up the burlap as tight or loose as you want.

And the end result is some ruffly burlap goodness.

Thanks for listening to my wacky ideas!!


  1. Not wacky at all! Ok, maybe a little, but I like that. I wouldn't have ever thought it was a school tree if you didn't say so. It looks really PB Kids ish. And I like it!

  2. I love that burlap garland! What a great idea!

  3. Great ideas and very inspiring! I made a burlap bow for my wreath this year but it is so floppy. Your idea to use twine is genius. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Love the burlap ruffles. Rustic and pretty at the same time! Thank you for sharing your technique.

  5. Your tree is wonderful! The burlap is the star! It looks professional! Love it.

  6. Not losing me at all. I totally love it! Watch PB or Restoration HW copy you next year you trendsetter. The map ornaments could be a fun way to learn about Christmas around the world. And I love love love the burlap ribbon!

  7. Love! So fun to see such a non-traditional tree that is kid friendly as well. Just wait till all the handmade ornaments start coming home and you need include those as well!

    Thanks for sharing,

  8. Um, you're kinda brilliant. Okay, really brilliant! Love that your budget forced you to create something new :) I think those burlap ruffles are beautiful, and I usually don't like burlap. And your tree looks amazing for something that was basically free!

  9. Oh, I think your tree is really sweet!

    I am on my way to Michaels tomorrow to get me some of that burlap garland.... :)

    Oh yeah!

  10. I love your school themed tree and I especially love the burlap it looks fabulous. Well done! xx

  11. Way cool idea with the burlap! I love it! I'm thinking this would be great in some garland around my front door, or on small trees in urns on my front porch, or...

    Anyway, I love that you took what you had and got creative and came up with such a fantastic tree!

  12. Ali... I love it! Love the mini chalk boards (may have to borrow that if I have time) and love the scrunchy burlap! Very nice!!


  13. I absolutely love it! My family room tree will be a little woodsy this year. I am definitely making that ruffled burlap garland. I just hope Michael's still has some!
    Your tree is perfect.

  14. Love it!

    Oh, and welcome to NJ! You are going to love being so close to the beach.

  15. Not the least bit wacky! In fact, I love it so much, I'm now following you. Can't wait to see what else you have up your sleve!


I truly appreciate all comments and read every single one. I also try and visit as many of you guys as I can, but we all know how crazy life can be. Thanks for understanding!