Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Time For Another Giveaway!!

Hi! I don't know if you guys remember me, but my name is Ali and I run a little blog called Honey and Maple Syrup. I have been super duper busy with lots of stuff lately, like Elijah's 3rd birthday, my computer crashing (I have come to the conclusion that I am a computer ruiner), Elijah getting sick, and flying home for the holidays to California (which included Elijah throwing up on the plane before we even left the gate).

So since I've been MIA for a while, I (and the good people at CSN) thought it would be a great time for a giveaway! I'm sure pretty much everyone has heard of CSN by now, but in case you haven't, they sell everything from furniture, to modern decor, and everything inbetween.

I just LOVE these pillows!

And how about this awesome convex mirror?

Or this super cute and whimsical cancan mirror?

So I guess I have you guys wondering now how you can win the $35 gift code? Just leave me a comment telling me how desperately you want to win =) Oh, and you have to promise to use it for yourself because we women tend to be too giving sometimes and forget about ourselves. Ok, you don't really need to promise that, but I sure do hope whoever wins will buy themself something nice. I will announce the winner on December 30th, so make sure you send your friends on over so they have a chance too.

One last thing, CSN can only ship to the U.S. and Canada.
Good luck!!


  1. oooh! pick me! pick me! i PROMISE to spend it on myself, no, seriously. (welcome back, btw!) kristinmik at gmail

  2. I REALLY want to win and promise to use it on myself. After all the goodies from christmas, my kiddos won't need anything anyway.

    thegemini2 at yahoo dot com

  3. i wanna win i really do and i have no problems spending on myself!!!

  4. Oh yay! What an awesome giveaway! If I won, I would definitely spend the $35 on myself...no convincing needed here! ;-)

  5. Oh, I want, want, want, want it!!! Pleeeze? Seriously, I would totally use this on myself, or at least on something I really liked for my house, does that count? I love CSN!
    Thanks so much for doing this giveaway!

  6. I'd love some new shoes from CSN!

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  7. Definitely would be using it on my house--I've got a list a mile long of things I need. Thanks for doing the giveaway and it's good to see you back at blogging.

  8. I would love to win and use this towards a new handbag, something I need.
    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  9. I need new cookware for my kitchen but trust me, they would definitely be for me - no one else cooks. Thanks for the giveaway.

  10. I would LOVE to win! Thanks for the chance!!!!

  11. Wow, I have been wanted a convex mirror for the longest time! That's just what I'd buy if I won!

  12. I will definitely use it on myself! That's a cute mirror! I would love to buy one of my wishlist items!

    Thanks for the chance!
    soalaurable at gmail dot com

  13. Oooooo, every single one of those items is fabulous. I so hope that I win. Merry Christmas!!!

  14. I'd really love to win! Thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  15. For the longest time, I could not spend any money on myself. But recently, I've been getting over that! I'd love to have this.

  16. I could really use a free $35 bucks at CSN... but what to choose? So many things on the Christmas list...

  17. I would use it to buy myself some Rachael Ray bakeware i've had my eye on.

  18. I love that flower pillow! Would love to win it for my daughters room.

  19. I would totally use it just for me....I need a new purse/diaper bag....it would be nice to get something for me instead of my daughter for once!

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  20. Winning would be awesome!

    I would get an fire extinguisher


    tahearn at roadrunner dot com

  21. You know is well, don't you? I spent every spare dime I can on everyone who matters to me. Just tonight my son said, "Mom, you need to buy yourself something!" I guess sometimes I do.

    Thanks for the entry!

  22. I really want to win (and get myself some boots).

  23. Oh man,I could use a couple of fluffy pillows for my bed.My pillows have lost the fluffiness and I am stacking two together.Thanks for the chance,got my fingers crossed

  24. I totally want to win! I need a new wallet!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com


I truly appreciate all comments and read every single one. I also try and visit as many of you guys as I can, but we all know how crazy life can be. Thanks for understanding!