Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Power of Paint On A Picture Frame...And A Question

Years ago, I bought an unfinished picture frame at Michael's and attached a wood applique (which may or may not totally be the same applique I used on my medallion wall plaque), which I painted green, but the color just wasn't working with my new color scheme.

What was that? You wanna see a closeup of the picture? The little chunker in the front would be yours truly and the other two are my sisters.

So anyway, I just painted it the same blue as my headboard and distressed it with Minwax Early American and changed out the picture with one of my sweet angel.

Isn't he so adorable? =)

I had to throw in this picture to show you guys the difference between the picture frame and the window frame. Same paint color. Same stain. Yet they look so different because the picture frame has more stain. I'm thinkin' when the weather warms up, I'm going to add some more stain to the window frame to get more of a steel blue.

So now my question is do you guys like the bigger pictures on this post or the smaller pictures on all of my other posts?


  1. I do like the bigger pictures. Not to say the smaller pictures were bad, not at all. But in this case, I do believe bigger is better.

    Also love the new look for your picture frame. Very pretty...

  2. turned out great i like the bigger pictures

  3. I love your frame! I'm going to make one like that. The bigger pictures are great!

  4. Definitely bigger. I'd really like to figure out how to make the pics on my blog bigger, they are so small it drives me crazy and I'm too technically challenged to know how to fix it!

  5. Great job on the picture frame! I think bigger pics are better... by the way you are right, your little man is adorable! Keep up the good work!

  6. the little guy is definitely adoreable.

    i love the frame with the stain on it. the stain gives the paint color a little more depth.
    enjoying the bigger pics.


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