Friday, January 7, 2011

Dining Room Map Art

Before I moved to New Jersey, I got 2 cupboard doors from the reject section at Ikea.

I had no clue what I would do with them, but at $4 each, I couldn't pass them up.

I finally decided they would look great in my dining room and I remembered that I bought an awesome calendar of vintage maps from a museum in NY. I got it years ago with the intention of framing them, but I knew 2 of the maps would be perfect for this project.

I originally wanted to somehow cover the front panel of the doors, but after failed attempts at painting them (I totally forgot to use primer so the paint just wiped off) and using burlap, I realized they looked better as is, so I just taped the maps on with double-sided tape.

They looked great, but I wanted to add a little bit more to the mix, so I picked up one of these shelf brackets from Ikea ($3) and stained it with Minwax Dark Walnut.

I attached the bracket to the wall inbetween the maps and rigged a lantern to the bracket, using wire, a washer, and a bead (the bead is just a temporary solution).

 I just love this lantern!! I bought it on clearance at Cost Plus a few summers ago because I loved the patina... and I just love lanterns!

And here you can see it in relation to where the airplane panels are.

The bamboo ladder is there temporarily until I get a plant for that corner. 

I'm thinkin' something tropical-looking, like this plant from Ikea:

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. Love this project! I also love that table.

  2. What a great idea! I never would have thought to use cabinet doors- how creative!!! Next time I go to Ikea I'm headed straight to the AS- IS dept! thanks for sharing!

  3. As always I'm in love! What a great idea. Turned out really great and looks great with the airplane painting.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'll have to second my sister Lois, awesome as always! I have a thing for maps, and this is a great idea!!

  6. Nicely done! I'm planning a little map project for my dining room too! Coincidence? I think not! Ok.. yeah, it totally is a coincidence.

  7. Beautiful! I love your table and chairs! I don't remember seeing them before!

  8. loving this project and the style you got going on in here. Reminds of British Colonial. A well traveled type of design. I like it.

  9. They look fabulous! I never would have thought of using cabinet doors as frames.

  10. I absolutely love them! What is it about maps that are so visually alluring? I love them too. I find cabinet doors for $1 at Habitat for Humanity REStore. Try there too. I love the lantern too!

  11. This room looks great. And that plant you're looking at will really make an impact. Beautiful!

  12. Great idea! I love how it turned out. The lantern is a nice touch!

  13. Great finished look! How creative you are. Your pictures look like a magazine.

  14. the cabinet doors turned out great i love the maps..

  15. I am so in love with this wall! The map art is amazing in itself. You always blow me away. :)

    Featured on SNS #64's sidebar this weekend you are!


  16. blog hopping from funky junk interiors link party- I think that's a great idea. I love the way you hung the lantern!

  17. Congrats on being on the side bar at SNS. Love this room.

  18. this looks great! I love maps, I am working on a map table right now. just waiting for paint to dry :-) I hope that you will link this to my Show and Share linky party.


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