Saturday, January 1, 2011

We Have a Winner!!

I know I said I would pick a winner for the CSN gift card on the 30th, but it just didn't happen. If you read my previous post, you know I had some issues getting back to NJ. I ended up spending time with my family on the 30th and didn't have a chance to pick a winner, then yesterday we finally flew back home. Of course it didn't happen without issues. We boarded our connecting flight in MN and after about 15 minutes of us just sitting there, they announced that we had to get off the plane so they could change one of the tires. They made us wait in the freezing jetway for about 15 minutes before letting us back in the gate. When we finally boarded again, we still had to wait about another 25 minutes before taking off. We spent our New Year's in the airplane, but at least I had a handsome man (Elijah) to smooch at midnight =)

I had so much fun reading what you guys would buy with the gift card and was so happy that most of you said you would spend it on yourself. I wish I could pick all of you, but unfortunately I don't make the rules, so without further ado, the winner is....

Comment #1
Kristin M
(Shoot me an email, Kristin, and I will give you the info you need)

I swear I used to get the result, but I don't know how to show it on the post. Can anyone teach me? I'm sooo bad with computers!

1 comment:

I truly appreciate all comments and read every single one. I also try and visit as many of you guys as I can, but we all know how crazy life can be. Thanks for understanding!