Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fabric Flower Necklace

I've had this cute little makeup bag for quite some time, but just recently, my son decided to dump my brand new bottle of foundation all over the inside and it soaked through on the other side of the bag.

I was so upset because I LOVE the pattern on the bag, so I decided to make a necklace out of it!

I started by tracing a few circles on the fabric. I wouldn't recommend using a permanent marker like I did, but it's all I had on hand. Luckily it blends in with the black on the leaves and flowers.

I wanted the circles to resemble flowers, so I made a few stitches in the center of each circle. I've seen other people do that and it looks great, but mine turned out kinda wonky =)

It was looking a little plain, so I cut out some burlap circles, slightly bigger than the flower patterned fabric, and did the same wonky stitching.

For the 'stamen', I used rhinestone brads, which also held all the fabric together.

Next, I glued the flowers onto a piece of white felt to hold it all together and then I trimmed the excess felt.

The next step was attaching the chain. I used a jump ring on either side of the necklace that I attached to both the felt and the burlap to make sure it was very secure.

And there ya have it! A cute a simple necklace.

If you have an old article of clothing that you love, don't throw it away!! Just make a necklace =)

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

this blessed nest

Transformation Thursday


  1. This is really a cute idea, and it has such limitless possibilities. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Adoraable, thanks for sharing!

    Kelli @

  3. it's beautiful!

    and i love that pink ruffle sweater you are wearing with it. it all looks so good together!

    you are so smart to upcycle the fabric!

    thanks for linking!


  4. Such a great idea! I have thrown out so many things that I still loved. Thanks for the idea and thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  5. Super CUTE!!!! What a great idea... And I love the word wonky, that made me laugh! The necklace turned out beautifully..great job

  6. Super cute idea. Come and check out our fabric bow blog:

  7. Hi Ali! I just stumbled upon your blog and have spent several hours looking at all of your projects and am now sooo inspired! Your taste is exactly what I have in my mind...just don't always know how to execute it! I read that you like to give design advice...would you mind giving me tips for one of my rooms? (my email is THANKS!! **i can't get the email link to work for some reason.

  8. Oh my gosh, that is so cute and so clever! I am so going to try this. Love the necklace against that cute pink sweater, adorable!

    I'm visiting from Kellie's Spring Fling.

    Maegan :)

  9. So beautiful and chic! I can imagine it paired with a springy skirt and flipflops..:)

  10. Too cute! Never thought to use burlap in a necklace, but it looks great!

  11. Nice save! Glad you can still enjoy the pretty print--great idea!

  12. Hi, love your blog so I'm awarding you with the Stylish Blogger Award.

  13. I can't believe this was a makeup bag! Sooo pretty!


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