Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Ok, so I'm a little late with this, but Happy Valentine's Day!

My day was started off with Elijah playing his guitar and singing, "My wanna open my present". And I may or may not have eaten way too many homemade frosted, heart-shaped brownies =)


  1. Looks delish Ali! Hope you enjoyed a wonderful day!
    And I just love your Take Flight art...awesome job! ~Deb~

  2. Such wonderfull, creative ideas on your site. I'm awarding you one of my Stylish Blogger Awards.

    To accept click on my site page:

    Creatively Living Outside the Box

  3. Don't worry about too many brownies! I would have eaten the whole batch:) That pic has me drooling!

  4. Oh yum... that looks fabulous-and definitely made with love!


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