Friday, June 24, 2011

4th of July Inspiration

Ahhh, 4th of July. Makes me think of yummy food, amazing fireworks, and spending time with family. I secretly wish I lived back in the 60's because I imagine people would have these awesome block parties where everyone knows everyone else, which makes me think of that scene in The Sandlot where they are running through the block party on the 4th.

Anyone else have a MAJOR crush on Benny?

Is it bad that I still think he's super duper cute? Haha.

Anyway, I'm so totally getting off track. Back to the 4th of July. I gathered a few festive pics from Country Living and Better Homes and Gardens.

First up, an old-time feel:

(So simple, yet so pretty)

Dressing up your patio/deck and table:

 (So easy to make and MUCH less expensive than buying bunting)

(How adorable is that tablecloth?)

Some fun paper crafts:

(LOVE the new papers with the worn buckets!)

(This looks so simple to make!)

(These are place cards that also serve as hats! Fun idea, but I'm not quite sure I would wear one, haha)

And if you wanna go with more of a formal look:

I have a banner that I've been working on. Guess I better hurry since the 4th is right around the corner!

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