Monday, June 20, 2011

New Paintings!

I've been a busy little bee lately, trying to get stuff painted to sell on Etsy. A few things have been absolute FAILS (although I don't like giving up on projects and will prob try and rework them), but I was successful with a few little paintings that I like to refer to as my 'insect series' (don't worry, it's not as icky as it sounds!).

Ok, now I've gotta ask a favor of you techie people. Can anyone tell me how to link up my Etsy page to my blog? I totally suck at doing that kind of stuff!

Until I can figure it out, you can click here. I can't even guarantee it will get you to my shop. Yeah, that's how terrible I am!


  1. to get your etsy store to show up as thumbnails on the side bar of your blog:
    go to etsy, click on Your Account, in the bottom left corner, click on Etsy Mini. once you decide how you want it to appear. you can copy the Java/script version. then go to your blogspot & log in. go to your design page, click on Add a Gadget, then pick HTML/JavaScript. paste in the box, what you copied from the etsy box.
    hope that helps.

  2. Thanks for the help! I never would have figured that out on my own!!

  3. These are great!

    I am in love with the Pottery Barn style airplane painting you did. Are you going to sell those in your etsy shop too?


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